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'Ru'ah' in Hebrew = wind, spirit, soul, essence, breath..

A human encounter between two individuals and the discovery of common ground. The creation originates and developes around the different cultural origins from which the choreographers & dancers, Tzvika Iskias and Léna Rykner come from, the personal history of each one, the communication and connection between them, their relationship and the investigation of the shared space.


Description of the motivations, inspirations and ideas behind this work

Tzvika Iskias originally from Ethiopia and Léna Rykner born in Belgium to a German mother and French father, both imigrated to Israel in their childhood.

Our personal history, cultural origins, individual experience and different physicality offer a rich well for an artistic research and creation. We searched and explored body language in it's variety of movement as a means of expression and communication.

Each one with his own movement qualities and body language, it's echoes and the way it is interpreted and translated by the dance partner and how we connect and combine them together to create a common expression.

We explored movement, resonance, consonance and harmony, communication and dialogue to create an artistic expression of encounters and human relations.


The main idea that we would like to communicate to audiences

We would like to transmit to the audiences the beauty of human encounter and communication between different cultures. To share our experience through our art.

Choreography and performance: Tzvika Iskias & Léna Rykner

Original music & soundtrack editing: Eran Hadar

Music: Tasmin (Eran Hadar & Eylon Tushiner)- KorTov, Moises Daniel - For the forgotten one, Samuel Barber - Agnus Dei

Duration: 20 min.

Premier: 23.11.2022 at MASH Dance House, Jerusalem ,Israel

Photographs: Inon Khalfon and Kat Tolkovsky


* The piece is supported by the Foundation for Independent Artists - The Israeli Ministry of Culture

© 2024 by Léna Rykner. Proudly created with

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